15/05/15: POP UP FLOWERS

How are you all doing today? Today's weather was much better than it was yesterday, so I decided to finally take the walk down Knightsbridge and take pictures of this beautiful display at Harrods.

The 'Pop-Up Flowers' or 'Fragrance Garden' display was created in collaboration with garden designer, Sheena Seeks. They consist of large structures of painterly flora advertising several different perfumes.

Here are a couple of my favourite windows.

Since I was essentially taking shots of a window, you can see the afternoon traffic reflected in my images. I quite like the effect, though.

It was also interesting how I was pretty much the only person taking pictures of the display. People were rushing past me trying to get to wherever they needed to be, and a part of me wished that they would all pause for a moment and admire.

I feel like ending this post with some music, so here's a song I've been enjoying recently along with the masses of Korean music I listen to.


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